Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer Weight Loss Challenge!

So my last post I was kind of being a, lets say a "Debbie" about my weight.  I am going to finally step it up and do something about it now! My Mommy group is doing a Summer weight loss challenge and everyone who is doing it is putting in 10 dollars and whoever loses the most body weight % wins the money! I think it is up to 130 bucks so as far as I am concerned that is enough motive to try, and really I think EVERYBODY WINS!  I love the idea so here is my plan:

1: WW.  I am  going to try again with it.  Even though I was getting a little frustrated it in the end last time, I am going to try but this time instead of still eating my pizza and just counting it in my points and then starving at the end of the day because I could only eat a little dinner, I am going to try to turn into a rabbit and eat way more GREEN food! That way I will be able to eat more through out the day and stay more filled up, I think this is always where I fail when it comes to this diet.

2:  I am going to try my best to wake up and exercise 6x a week, I am going to rotate, from my 30 day shred DVD, my Yoga DVD, and going for jogs/walks in the morning...thats right the morning so I am going to start setting my alarm for 6 so I can work out before Aubrey and Tyler get up...this is was I am going to need to get motivated for, and I can see it being a struggle because I am not a morning person but I think I will benefit in more ways then one and once I get used to it I would like to think it will become one of my favorite parts of the day...I will try to go to bed early from now on and making my bed time be 10:00 pm every night (another thing I will have to train myself to do)

 My goal: I would like to lose about 15 lbs to start...Tone up my butt and thighs and lose my spare tire (the "baby weight") I think this is a doable goal I just need to stick with it! I also want to work on my endurance and flexibility during this time so I am able to work out with out wanting to throw up or quit...I want to be one of those people who really like it! 

Anyways that is my plan, wish me luck! I will be taking a before and after picture and I will post it when I am finished! WISH ME LUCK! project Hot Momma is in full effect starting tomorrow :)

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