Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reflux Baby

My sleeping Angel

In my last blog at the end I had mentioned that I thought Aubrey had colic, then I did a little more research and it turned out she had a lot of symptoms of reflux.  She spits up a lot, has a lot of gas, gets the hiccups all the time and cries A LOT like she is in immense pain.  I am so exhausted from all of this. She would not let me put her down EVER and the only way I could get any sleep at all at night is get her to fall asleep on my chest while I sit in the recliner.  Not comfortable at all (and a no no, but when you are desperate for sleep you will do anything). So I took her to the Chiropractor on Monday, no help, changed her formula twice and today I finally took her into the DR. The doc prescribed her some medicine for reflux and so far so good.  She is sleeping in her crib on her own as we speak...I am PRAYING that this is all she needed because let me tell you it has been a rough month. Living off 2-3 hours of sleep is taking a toll on me, I am so forgetful, super sensitive, and sometimes bitchy (I know hard to believe right? lol)  I even cried watching a cat food commercial the other day. lol

Other than the reflux Aubrey is getting so big already, she has started to coo and try to mimic my facial expressions and I think she likes when I talk to her now (in my squeaky voice lol)  She is 5 weeks old today, I can't believe it! Time has just been flying by! but its good because that means Spring is almost here, the last couple days have actually felt like spring and we were lucky enough to go for a walk the other day.
Tyler loves to push his sister but halfway through the walk he decided we had to go home to get his Cozy Coupe
I kept the blanket on her so the wind didn't hit her because we know what happens when they swallow air...belly aches and hiccups=no fun at all.

Happy St. Paddy's day
Our first family picture dressed in a theme :) So exciting :) 

Bath time :) shes getting chunky she weighed 10 lbs 13 oz today at the doctor :)

Look at her pretty blue eyes :)

Anyways, Big brother Tyler has been a crazy little boy as usual, hes getting so talkative I can't even believe it.  And his personality is coming out more everyday. The other day Lady Gaga was on the tv with some weird feather hat that looked like a mo-hawk and he looked at me with such a serious face and said "that's weeeeeeeeeeeiiiird Mommy"  it was so funny! He cracks me up. He is starting to be more gentle with Aubrey and not wanting to bop her on the head so much witch is good for all of us (including mommy for stress reasons lol)  Chad and I decided that in a couple weeks (pending on Aubrey's tummy issues) we would have Maga babysit Aubrey and take him to one of those indoor water parks.  I think it would be super fun and I just want Tyler to know that he is still so very special to us and we love him so much :) Plus it will be a little reward for being so good with his baby sister, (and a fun little pretend vacation for us lol) Anyways that's all for now, have a great St. Patrick's day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. He's dreaming about that cozy coupe right now... and baaa lol
