Happy New Year!!!! Wow it has been such a long time since I have blogged and I must say I have missed it! I love re-reading my blogs and reminiscing. Looking back at 2011 I would say I had one of the best years of my life, we had Aubrey, I got to watch my little man grow and learn, we moved to a new town, worked really hard to make our new house feel like home, and started making it a point to set time away to spend time with my husband...I really couldn't have asked for a better year!
So its a new year, time for new resolutions, I have always gone for the lose 10 lbs route but this year instead of focusing on loosing weight I am going to try to cook healthier for my family. I also really want to become more organized. I got a good start with my closet but now I need to tackle all the other closets in my house! And the final one is to try to "not sweat the small stuff" I let little things bother me and I don't even know why! So there you have it. Lets see how I do...OH and I will blog more ;)
Christmas Eve with my little ones |
So Aubrey is almost 11 months. I honestly can't believe how fast this first year went! It seems like with the 2nd kid it goes even faster if that's even possible because Tyler's first year flew by too! I love this stage of her life, shes pulling up and getting into everything! She loves patty-cake and peek-a-boo, and her brother is her favorite person on the planet. It is so adorable to see him make her just crack up! I swear I can't even make her laugh like he can!
Tyler just turned 3 in December, I can't believe it. I feel like I was just looking at the pregnancy test at my old job thinking "OH SHIT I'M NOT READY FOR THIS" I can't help but laugh at my reaction to finding out I was pregnant with him. My life would not be the same without him and I love him more and more everyday...he and Aubrey honestly are my everything and I can't believe in just 3 short years how much joy and love he has brought to my life! On the night before his birthday I did my usual look at pictures from when he was born and when we were in the hospital and I couldn't help but to cry...happy tears of coarse. I have come to terms with being a cryer, I'm OK with it.
So I didn't initially intend this to be a cheese fest but it just sorta went in that direction. My life is just how it is supposed to be and I just can't wait to drink in every single minute of the new year!
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." ~Albert Schweitzer .....I just stumbled across this quote a few days ago and I just think it is perfect for me. Some think that being a stay at home mom means you aren't successful, but the feeling that I get when I hear my little man sing the ABC's and count to 20 or when I see Aubrey clapping and laughing is priceless! I feel like I am doing the best job that I can and that is enough success that I need!
Here are some highlights from 2012:
I adore this picture! |
Happy Wednesday everyone!